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reviews (60)

  • Christian Jose
    Christian Jose
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    Todo muy bien
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  • Leire
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    ha estado muy bien, pero podrían mejorar algunas cosas
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  • Jennifer
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    Leider am Anfang und vor allem am Ende sehr lange Wartezeiten. Man hat uns leider 30 Minuten nicht am Hafeneingang zum tanken eingesammelt wie besprochen.
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  • Mar
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    En la primera cala que usamos el ancla vimos que la cuerda estaba a punto de romperse. Hicimos foto y se lo dijimos. Nos contestan: no volver a usar el ancla, que una persona se quedara siempre en el barco y que nos devolvían 40€ (si pierdes el ancla te cobran 80€). Decidimos volver al puerto ya que al ser 3 personas no podiamos disfrutar del día. Ya de regreso al motor le costó arrancar y nos vimos en peligro pues las olas nos llevaban hacia las rocas. Cuando por fin arrancó, empezó a pitar. Al consultarlo en Internet ponía que era falta de aceite y nuestra preocupación aumentó. Llegamos a puerto, echamos gasolina, (sólo 26€) y hablamos con ellos. Pagamos 240€ por todo el dia y sólo nos devolvían 66€. Por lo que al final pagamos 174€ para que nos arruinaran el día. En otros puertos de la isla habíamos alquilado botes similares y todo fue bien porque estaban en buenas condiciones. Fué con diferencia el más caro y el peor servicio de nuestro viaje. No lo recomiendo en absoluto.
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  • Stéphane
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    Tout s’est très passé le checkin est très rapide et le retour à la pompe est géré par leur équipe Les plages sont fantastiques
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  • Nicolas
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    Je m'attendais à mieux...bateau bof, demande d'horaires et retour à 16h30, compliqué pour redonner bateau et faire le plein du retour...pour avoir fait une location dans l'archipel de la maddalena, la location était beaucoup moins bien ici...
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  • Alexandr
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    Everything went as we expected. Total satisfaction, I recommend.
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  • Philippe
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    Equipe très sympa
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  • Francesco
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    Dinghy ok. Very friendly reception and dinghy staff. A little difficult to find the place to check in, but we solved it by asking there at the port.
    Gommone ok. Staff all'accettazione e ai gommoni molto gentili. Un po' difficile trovare il posto per fare l'accettazione, ma abbiamo risolto chiedendo lì al porto.
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  • Katarzyna
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    everything was handled efficiently and quickly
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  • Carlos
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    Todo bien. La lancha un poco más estropeada de lo que esperábamos, pero aún así bien.
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  • Andreas
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    Quick processing in the morning. The boat had normal signs of wear and tear. Everything was clean and worked perfectly. Would do it again.
    schnelle Abwicklung am Morgen. Das Boot hatte normale Gebrauchsspuren. alles war sauber und lief einwandfrei. gerne wieder.
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  • Marcus
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    Be careful, sometimes the boats on offer are not even available from the rental company! We booked a beautiful boat with enough space for 3 people. When we wanted to pick up the boat, we were told that the boat we had booked was not available but that we would get an equivalent one. The rental company's definition of equivalent: Same length, same horsepower. The boat was older and had less space for a berth! So be careful when booking and be prepared for anything!
    Achtung, teilweise gibt es die angebotenen Boote garnicht beim Vermieter! Wir haben uns für ein wunderschönes Boot mit ausreichend Liegefläche für 3 Personen gebucht. Als wir das Boot in Empfang nehmen wollten, wurde uns gesagt, dass gebuchte Boot sei nicht vorhanden aber wir bekämen ein gleichwertiges. Definition von gleichwertig beim Vermieter: Gleiche Länge, gleiche PS. Das Boot war älter, hatte weniger Liegefläche! Also Vorsicht beim buchen und auf alles gefasst sein!
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  • Laura
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    Essential experience in Sardinia. We took Gomone with a skipper and Mateo told us history and curiosities about Sardinia and the places we were visiting. He showed us beautiful places and it was great. 100% recommendable.
    Experiencia imprescindible en Cerdeña. Cogimos Gomone con patrón y Mateo nos contó historia y curiosidades de Cerdeña y los sitios que visitábamos. Nos enseñó lugares preciosos y fue genial. 100% recomendable.
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  • Yvette
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    Staff were very friendly! It was a very quick and easy process. No deposit required and insurance included in the price petrol was between 30 and 50 euros. I am giving 4 stars because I booked the boat for 8:30 to 17:30 through Sam Boat, but when I arrived I was informed that it was only until 16:30. So keep in mind that in summer the timeslot is only until 16:30 because the petrol station closes at 17:00 and they need to refuel the boat when you return. You also don't have to print the rental contract, as requested by Sam boat.
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  • Dominique
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    Very nice home. Everything is done to satisfy, even the search for an interlocutor who speaks your language (French)
    Très bon accueil. Tout est fait pour satisfaire .même la recherche d un interlocuteur parlant votre langue( francais)
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  • David
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    Perfect, simply perfect, competent, precise, available, pleasant staff, impeccable organization, a magnificent natural site, very easy to find your way around.....All with the warm sea at the beginning of October, oily sea and large sun. Simply perfect, thank you.
    Parfait, tout simplement parfait, personnel compétent, précis, disponible, agréable, une organisation impeccable, un site naturel magnifique, très facile pour s orienter.....Le tout avec la mer chaude en ce début octobre, mer d huile et grand soleil. Tout simplement parfait, merci.
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  • Giulia
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    Excellent organization!!
    Ottima organizzazione!!
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  • Virginie
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    Good organisation. Thanks to Luca who explained the boat and the beach route to us well. He speaks French very well. I recommend
    Bonne organisation. Merci à Luca qui nous bien expliqué pour le bateau et le parcours des plages. Il parle très bien français. Je recommande
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  • Timo
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    Everything worked smoothly. Very nice employees! The boat already had clear signs of wear, but the price-performance ratio was absolutely fine. We would book again.
    Alles hat reibungslos funktioniert. Sehr nette Mitarbeiter! Das Boot hatte schon deutliche Gebrauchsspuren, Preis-Leistung sind aber voll in Ordnung. Wir würden wieder buchen.
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  • Joao
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    It was a very good experience (booking and navigating). While the boat had already some wear, it performed flawlessly and provided us with a very good day. Especially liked the complementary cold box and beach sun shade.
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  • L.
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    Very nice service, boat was in very good condition, clear instructions, might be booking again next year !
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  • Romuald
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    Perfect. Nice and easy
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  • Maider
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    Marveling!!! Thank you for helping us enjoy that beauty so much!!! I will recommend you!!!
    Maravillada!!! Gracias por ayudarnos a disfrutar tanto de esa belleza!!! Os recomendaré!!!
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  • Baptiste
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    Very good experience, pleasant and helpful staff.
    Très bonne expérience, personnel agréable et serviable.
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  • Patricia
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    Servicio perfecto. Lancha muy cuidada y limpia. Repetiría sin duda
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  • Margaux
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    Wonderful day ! The team agreed to postpone by one day due to the weather. We had ideal conditions. The boat was very pleasant for sailing in the Orosei Gulf
    Superbe journée ! L'équipe a accepté de décaler d'une journée en raison de la météo. Nous avons eu des conditions idéales. Le bateau était très agréable pour naviguer dans le golf d'orosei
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  • Maria
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    An unforgettable experience. Super nice staff at all times. To repeat without a doubt.
    Una experiencia inolvidable. Un personal súper agradable en todo momento. Para repetir sin duda.
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  • Marvin
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    On our boat, the ladder to get in/out could have been longer. Otherwise everything was very good. Fast processing, good easy contact. Very friendly, gladly again!
    Bei unserem Boot hätte die Leiter zum Ein-/Aussteigen länger sein können. Sonst war alles sehr gut. Schnelle Abwicklung, guter einfacher Kontakt. Sehr freundlich, gerne wieder!
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  • Alexander
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    Everything worked smoothly. gladly again
    Alles hat reibungslos funktioniert. gerne wieder
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  • José
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    All perfect! Very flexible despite the sea conditions that were not ideal. I recommend it!!
    Todo perfecto! Muy flexibles a pesar de las condiciones de mar que no eran las ideales. Lo recomiendo!!
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  • Alex
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    Excellent organisation, apart from the fuel calculation which was too confusing for me! But all in all highly recommended
    Organizzazione ottima ,a parte il calcolo del carburante a me troppo spannometrico ! Però tutto sommato consigliatissimo
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  • Liangqing
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  • Martina
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    Congratulations to all the guys, good and helpful, really recommended.
    Complimenti a tutti i ragazzi, bravi e disponibili, veramente consigliato.
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  • Shihai
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    Very good, very professional
    Très bien, très professionnel
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  • Israel
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    Everything was fine. Except that in the office there is only one person attending. The good thing was that he spoke several languages and we could understand each other. Advisable
    Todo estuvo bien. Salvo que en la oficina hay una única persona atendiendo. Lo bueno que hablaba varios idiomas y nos pudimos entender. Aconsejable
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  • Benoit
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    We went the day before and made an appointment for 9:30. when we arrived we waited 1h30 in full sun. Once the contract was completed, we waited 20 minutes for the boat. The person who delivered the boat to us put our things in a hold filled with water. All of our belongings, wallets, clothes and sneakers got soaked. I am very disappointed with this rental.
    Nous sommes passés la veille et pris rendez-vous pour 9h30. quand nous sommes arrivés, nous avons attendu 1h30 en plein soleil. Une fois le contrat rempli, nous avons attendu 20 minutes le bateau. La personne qui nous a délivré le bateau a mis nos affaires dans une cale remplie deau. Toutes nos affaires, portefeuilles, vêtements et baskets ont été trempés . je suis très déçu de cette location.
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  • Vanessa
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    Very well accompanied by Giovanni, who has shown us the most beautiful places in the Golfo di Orosei and has let us do what we want. We would repeat without a doubt
    Muy bien acompañados por Giovanni, quien nos ha enseñado los lugares más bonitos del Golfo di Orosei y nos ha dejado hacer a voluntad. Repetiríamos sin duda
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  • Javier
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    Everything is perfect, the only drawback is the ladder to get on the boat from the water, it would have to be a little wider and have a handle to hold you
    Todo perfecto, el único pero es la escalerilla para subir a la embarcación desde el agua, tendría que ser un poco más ancha y tener un asidero para poder agarrarte
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  • Chloe
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    Great unforgettable moment
    Super moment inoubliable
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  • Malika
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    We went on a Tour on 19.07. with Antonio as Skipper. We had perfect conditions and thanks to Antonio's competence and way of doing we had the opportunity to get to know the wonders of the Gulf. The tour is highly recommended for those who want to really enjoy the Gulf.
    Abbiamo fatto un Tour il 19.07. con Antonio come Skipper. Abbiamo avuto delle condizioni perfette e grazie alla competenza ed il modo di fare di Antonio abbiamo avuto la possibilitá di conoscere le meraviglie del Golfo. Il Tour é consigliatissimo a chi vuole godersi davvero il Golfo.
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  • Johannes
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    Everything went well, and the communication was perfect! Kind people who welcomed us in the nicest way!
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  • Nicole
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    The guys were very kind and very helpful but the dinghy was old and had the knob to accelerate and brake broken. For 200 euros per dinghy they could do a little more maintenance
    I ragazzi gentilissimi e molto disponibili pero il gommone era vecchio e aveva la manopola per accelerare e frenare rotta. Per 200 euro a gommone potrebbero fare un po piu di manutenzione
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  • Mirko
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    Great experience! Easy booking is excellent and clear communication. Super recommended!!!
    Ottima esperienza! Facile la prenotazione è ottima e chiara la comunicazione. Super consigliato!!!
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  • Francois-Xavier
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    EXCEPTIONAL, our skipper Esteban was really on top, we wouldn't have spent the same day without him. Esteban knows the golf perfectly and the places not to miss, charming and considerate towards everyone and the children. We did a mix of beach, boat, swimming among the fish. Thanks Esteban!
    EXCEPTIONNEL, notre skipper Esteban a vraiment été au top, nous n'aurions pas passé la même journée sans lui. Esteban connaît le golf parfaitement et les endroits à ne pas louper, charmant et prévenant envers tous et les enfants. Nous avons fait un mix de plage, bateau, baignade au milieu des poissons. Merci Esteban !
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  • Bogdan
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    Very good..recommended
    Muy bien..recomendado
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  • Daniela
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    very kind and efficient staff, from the welcome to the return, thank you! beautiful day, superlative nature! we will definitely be back
    staff molto gentile ed efficente , dall'accoglienza al rientro , grazie ! giornata bellissima , natura superlativa ! torneremo sicuramente
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  • Andrea
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    Our driver was Ismaele, a lovely guy, who guided us perfectly during the tour and took us to quiet places despite the large number of tourists.
    Nuestro conductor fue Ismaele, un chico encantador, que nos guió a la perfección durante el recorrido y nos llevó a lugares tranquilos a pesar de la gran cantidad de turistas.
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  • Sara
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    We agree on a return time before reserving the service: return at 6pm at the latest. Once on the boat, the skipper told us that we had to be in port at the latest at 5pm to refuel. We started the excursion later with that agreed time that was not met.
    Acordamos una hora de regreso antes de reservar el servicio: volver máximo a las 6pm. Una vez en el barco el patrón nos dijo que máximo a las 5pm teníamos que estar en puerto para repostar gasolina. Comenzamos la excursión más tarde contando con ese tiempo acordado que no se cumplió.
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  • Laurane
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    I highly recommend this boat rental. We were accompanied to the boat, no additional costs, everything was explained to us very well and we were able to enjoy at our own pace. We were also accompanied for the entrance to the port and the refueling. Perfect thank you for everything
    Je recommande fortement cette location de bateau. Nous avons été accompagnés jusqu’au bateau, aucun frais supplémentaires, tout nous a très bien été expliqué et nous avons pu profiter à notre rythme. Nous avons été également raccompagné pour l’entrée au port et le plein d’essence. Parfait merci pour tout
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  • Marta
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    Good experience, €180 plus €40 for gasoline and with the oldest boat of all. But the wonderful place with an idyllic landscape. Attentive and friendly staff. recommendable
    Buena experiencia, 180€ más 40€ de gasolina y con el barco más viejo de todos. Pero el lugar maravilloso con un paisaje idico. Personal atento y simpatico. Recomendable
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  • Mariusz
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    Everything went smoothly, the boat complies with the contract, I recommend the company.
    Wszystko przebiegło sprawnie,łódka zgodna z umową,polecam firmę.
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  • Michele
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    Perfect in the product and assistance
    Perfetto nel prodotto ed assistenza
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  • Lubomír
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    Everything is great...I can recommend it
    Vše super...mohu doporučit
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  • Manuel
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    The dinghy trip with Antonio (skipper) was exceptional, we spent a beautiful day, we visited some wonderful coves, I recommend renting with the skipper because being from the area everything is much simpler, then we were lucky enough to meet Antonio who was an exceptional person, humble and nice.
    Il viaggio in gommone con Antonio(skipper) é stato eccezionale, abbiamo passato una bellissima giornata, abbiamo visitato delle calette stupende, lo consiglio di affittare con lo skipper perché essendo della zona è tutto molto più semplice, poi noi abbiamo avuto la fortuna di incontrare Antonio che é stata una persona eccezionale, umile e simpatica.
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  • Francisco
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    everything went well except for the engine failure which left us stranded at sea and having to change boats. Anyway, they handled it well.
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  • Chiara
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    All great! Nice organization, guys prepared and available! Beautiful and comfortable dinghy! Very fair price! Advise!
    Tutto ottimo! Bella organizzazione, ragazzi preparati e disponibili! Bello e comodo il gommone! Prezzo giustissimo! Consiglio!
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  • Cesar
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    Hello, the information stand is next to the boats, both the boys on the boats and the girls at the information stand are nice and friendly, they explain the directions very well, they also speak Spanish very well... I'll be happy to come back repeat with them...
    Hola, el puesto de información se encuentra al lado de las barcas, tanto los chicos de los barcos como la chicas del puesto de información son agradables y amables, te explican muy bien las indicaciones, además hablan español muy bien...encantado volveré a repetir con ellos....
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  • Charles
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    Incredible spots!!! Impeccable landlord: very friendly, very fast Check in and Check out. Boat not exceptional but brand new engine with very low consumption for 150CV.
    Spots incroyables !!! Loueur impeccable : très sympa, Check in et Check out très rapides. Bateau pas exceptionnel mais moteur tout neuf avec une très faible consommation pour 150CV.
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  • Soon Keong
    Soon Keong
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    We rented a 6meter motorboat at Cala Gonone, there were 8 of us, it was easy and pleasant. The boat was clean and modern, service was very good. All details was explained properly in terms of how to drive and manage the controls etc, unlike some other rental which required a big amount of deposit, Gina Cosimo was hassle free and no deposit. We had such a lovely and wonderful day, thank you.
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    Thank you, it was a pleasure having you as customers. We look forward to seeing you for another rental. See you soon Gian Cosimo
    Grazie, è stato un piacere avervi come clienti. Vi aspettiamo per un’altro noleggio. A presto Gian Cosimo
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