Charter Partner

Charter Partner

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reviews (9)

  • Peter
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    Friendly, competent and efficient service and check-in.
    Freundlicher, kompetenter und speditiver Service und Check-in.
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  • Adrian
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    The charter with The Moorings was by far the best charter I have done in the last 10 years. The level of service and the quality of the marina's facilities far exceeded my expectations. The staff on site were super friendly, helpful and competent. The marina with its two restaurants, pool bar, coffee shop, diving shop and supermarket was top notch. Technical questions during the tour were answered competently and promptly via WhatsApp.
    Die Charter mit The Moorings war mit Abstand die beste Charter, die ich in den letzten 10 Jahren gemacht habe. Das Servicelevel und die Qualitatet der Ausstattung der Marina haben meine Erwartung bei weitem uebertroffen. Das Personal vor Ort war super freundlich hilfsbereit und kompetent. Die Marina mit zwei eigenen Restaurants, Poolbar, Coffeeshop, Diving Shop und Supermarkt war top. Technische Fragen waehrend des Toerns wurden kompetent und kurzfristig via (Contact information hidden) beantwortet.
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  • Uwe
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    The booking went very well and the communication was very good. Only the additional information about further questions could be improved.
    dDe Buchung hat sehr gut geklappt und die Kommunikation war sehr gut. Lediglich die weiteren Informationen über weitere Fragen war verbesserungswürdig.
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  • Maria Eugenia
    Maria Eugenia
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    It was all very good! All the people who assisted us from start to finish were very friendly and efficient. Everything went as expected. Thank you!
    Fue todo muy bien! Toda la gente que nos atendió de principio a fin fue muy amable y eficiente. Todo salió según lo esperado. Gracias!
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  • Clovis
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    very good experience overall very clean boat basic offer (reduction) erased by the franchise redemption. Shame what is missing: small grocery store (oil, salt, pepper...) big downside: having to return on Friday evening while the rental runs until Saturday morning
    tres bonne expérience globalement bateau très propre offre de base (réduction) effacée par le rachat de franchise. dommage ce qui manque : petite épicerie (huile, sel, poivre...) gros bémol : devoir rentrer le vendredi soir alors que la location court jusqu'au samedi matin
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  • Steve
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    Great boat, great skipper and great fun - all good!
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  • Philippe
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    Excellent service, top notch boat (apart from a faulty fridge and electric barbecue from the start) A very professional, very friendly skipper: this cruise was a huge pleasure.
    Excellent service, bateau au top ( mise à part un frigo HS et le barbecue électrique dès le départ) Un skipper très professionnel, très sympathique : un immense plaisir que cette croisière.
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  • Stéphane
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    perfect the skipper eric was top and the chef Laurence too
    parfait le skipper eric etait top et la chef Laurence aussi
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  • Rob
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    Everything was as described, the team were very knowledgeable and helpful.
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