Charter Partner

Charter Partner

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reviews (30)

  • Stefano
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    Esperianza positiva. Servizio eccellente
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  • Annalisa
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    Tutto perfetto!
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  • Matteo
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    Barca nuova, strumenti non ancora completamente funzionanti (indicatore carburante non funzionante, strumenti di bordo non ancora settati, radio di bordo con portatile non settata ma scaricando il manuale l'abbiamo attivata noi). Personale della base disponibile.
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  • Fabrice
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    Bon séjour. prestation correct. bon support de notre interlocuteur Boris
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  • Daniel
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    Das Motorboot das wir übernommen haben war in einem sehr guten Zustand. Marina Personal war sehr freundlich. Alles gut erklärt
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  • Stuart
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    Overall very good. Boarding Ladder too short but given Emergency Boarding Ladder to use. No blue tooth facility for playing music. Saloon berth too narrow and unable to convert to a small double as the support structure not apparent. Dinghy oars not matched to the dinghy, so dinghy could not be rowed.
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  • Mario
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    geregelter Ablauf, Boot in gutem aber nicht perfekten Zustand
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  • Vadim
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    Everything was very nice, clean yacht, great service!
    Alles war sehr schön, saubere Yacht, toller Service!
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  • Ivar H
    Ivar H
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    Great week for 10 persons in 5 cabins. Fairly quick check-in/-out. Everything worked as expected.
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  • Giovanni
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    Amazing boat, extremely competent agency
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  • Michel
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    Very nice home Pleasant boat, easy to handle Fins were missing, masks and snorkels were unavailable from the rental company
    Très bon accueil Bateau agréable, prise en main aisée Manquaient les palmes , masqués et tubas indisponibles chez le loueur
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  • Sergio
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    Excelente embarcación, Atencion y servicios. Lo único mal el parking del puerto, creo que debería de estar incluido en el precio final.
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  • Alexander
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    Sehr guter Service, alles problemlos bis auf eine Sache: Es gab einen riesen Stau vor der Tankstelle am letzten Tag. Nur eine Zapfsäule für viel zu viele Boote. Also entschieden wir uns das Boot von Angelina in der Marina betanken zu lassen. Servicepauschale 50 Euro ist ok. 2 Euro pro Liter statt 1,36 ist unverschämt.
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  • Bernhard
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    Thank you, everything was fine! The on-site service was excellent, and the boat was in great condition, just as it was described!
    Danke, es hat alles gepasst! Der Service vor Ort war hervorragend, auch das Boot war so wie es beschrieben war in einen super Zustrand!
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  • Andreas
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    Sehr freundliches und hilfsbereites Personal, alles problemlos geklappt
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  • Klaus
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    Top, da hat alles gepasst!!
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  • Jose Miguel
    Jose Miguel
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    Very poor quality bedding. They cannot have down with such a degree of wear and the sheets are terrible. Few kitchen containers Should be better equipped with things in the kitchen Good ship. We had mechanical problems with the engine and the boat's motor, but it was resolved quickly. Check out VERY early (8:00 am)
    Ropa de cama de muy mala calidad. No pueden tener plumones con tal grado de desgaste y las sabanas pesimas Pocos envases de cocina Debiera estar mejor habilitado con cosas en la cocina Buen barco. Tuvimos problemas mecanicos con el motor y con el motor del bote, pero fue solucionado rápidamente. Check out MUY temprano(8:00 am)
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  • Patrick
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    Very good, very professional.
    Très bien, très professionnel.
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  • René
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    Super Team - Super Service - VERY PROFESSIONAL
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  • Rainer
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    We are very satisfied, great team Everything went smoothly
    Wir sind sehr zufrieden,tolles Team Hat alles reibungslos geklappt
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  • Denis
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    Very satisfied with Angelina's services
    Très satisfait des services d’Angelina
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  • Erwan
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    The boat was in line with our expectations, the only downside was that there was no lighting in the outside saloon, the outdoor plancha did not work, salt in the gas inlet nozzles on Saturday morning, the day we had to leave the boat at 8:30 a.m. the cleaning staff was positioned in front of the boat ready to intervene from 07:45 while we were having breakfast...
    Le bateau était conforme à notre attente, seul bémol aucun d'éclairage n'était prévue au carré extérieur, la plancha extérieure ne fonctionnait pas, sel dans les buses d'arrivée du gaz le samedi matin jour ou nous devions laisser le bateau à 08h30 le personnel de nettoyage était positionné devant le bateau prés à intervenir dés 07h45 alors que nous prenions le petit déjeuner...
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  • Arnaud
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    Angelina yacht charter's service was of high quality. Clean boat, in very good condition, no major problems to report during the week of navigation. I highly recommend them!
    La prestation d'Angelina yacht charter fut de qualité. Bateau propre, en tres bon état, aucun problème majeur à signaler pendant la semaine de navigation. Je les recommande vivement.!
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  • Thierry
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    Oceanis 46.1 perfect, Angelina: Good, but checkin including a liferaft which is not on board. why include it? Checkout: good unless I'm mistaken about the fenders billed so quickly. We had to recount if not 200 € !! Lesson leave quickly to take advantage and trust ... but be careful. Always complicated to validate the starting inventory. a good week Thanks to Valerie and Angelina
    Oceanis 46.1 parfait, Angelina : Bien , mais checkin incluant un liferaft qui n'est pas à bord. pourquoi l'inclure ? Checkout : bien sauf erreur des pare-battages facturés aussi vite. Avons du faire recompter sinon 200 € !! Leçon partir vite pour profiter et faire confiance ... mais prudence. Toujours compliqué de valider l'inventaire de départ. une bonne semaine Merci à Valerie et Angelina
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  • Alain
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    Very good boat in good condition
    Très bien bateau en bon état
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  • Vincent
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    The Catalina Yacht Charter team is very professional and takes good care of the boats. They offer assistance in nearby islands if needed.
    L'équipe de Catalina Yacht Charter est très professionnelle et prend bien soin des bateaux. Ils offrent un service d'assistance dans les îles avoisinantes au besoin.
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  • Ombeline
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    Overall great Nevertheless, the day before departure, we realized that a VHF license (CRR) was needed to rent a boat in Croatia NOBODY at SamBoat had mentioned this detail to us when booking We found it very borderline never to have informed us of this story, and we were in enormous stress 24 hours from departure, we were afraid of risking fines
    Globalement super Néanmoins, la veille du départ, nous nous sommes rendus compte qu'il fallait une licence VHF (CRR) pour louer un bateau en Croatie PERSONNE chez SamBoat ne nous avait mentionné ce détail lors de la réservation On a trouvé cela très limite de jamais nous avoir informé de cette histoire, et nous étions dans un énorme stress à 24h du départ, nous avions peur de risquer des amendes
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  • Pierre-Jean
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    A little more research on the internet would have allowed me to find a rental agency directly in Croatia, rather than going through a platform, which, once they made their sale, they pocketed their 20% of commission, are not at all at the appointment when things get complicated. Samboat, they are very good at selling, much less for after-sales service
    Une recherche un peu plus poussée sur internet m’aurait permis de trouver une agence de location directement en Croatie, plutôt que de passer par une plateforme, qui, une fois qu’ils ont fait leur vente, qu’ils ont empoché leur 20% de commission, ne sont pas du tout au rdv lorsque les choses se compliquent. Samboat, ils sont très bons pour vendre, beaucoup moins pour le service après-vente
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  • Pierre-Jean
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    This note is attributed to Samboat and not to its partner Angelina in Croatia, with whom everything went well. Samboat is a very effective platform for selling. But as soon as things get complicated, you need clarification, you want to shift your dates, it's a disaster. You are dealing with people who are not very reactive, nice but who know nothing about it
    Cette note est attribuée à Samboat et non à son partenaire Angelina en Croatie, avec qui tout s’est bien passé. Samboat est une plateforme, très efficace pour vendre. Mais dès que les choses se compliquent, que vous avez besoin de précisions, que vous voulez décaler vos dates, c’est la catastrophe. Vous avez affaire à des gens peu réactifs, gentils mais qui n’y connaissent rien
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  • Delphin
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    Boat very well equilibrated and had bow thruster which made much easier to dock, even if it was not new it was in a very good condition. We had WiFi/wLAN included in the price as well as the engine for the dinge without extra cost. The Angelina team was very helpful reserving the Covid test before depart and called the taxi too. We will repeat in the future.
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