Charter Partner

Charter Partner

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reviews (28)

  • Kateryna
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    I am a private assistant to a high-profile client and recently booked a catamaran from Salerno through SamBoat. Unfortunately, my experience was disappointing. SamBoat works through NSS Charter, which led to confusion. Despite timely payment, I had to repeatedly request the payment link. A month before the charter, we received incorrect crew information, causing arguments and stress. Critical details about provisions were not provided, and two days before the charter, I was given contacts for a different crew. The crew expected contact a week prior, which SamBoat failed to communicate, resulting in my client spending additional time in supermarkets. Overall, the service from SamBoat was subpar. I advise contacting charter companies directly for a smoother experience.
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  • Marc
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    Hello, from an overall point of view our rental went well: The condition of the boat met expectations, the availability and skills of the technical teams both at the marina and remotely via Whats'app. Between our two rentals with this same rental company, the availability of the boat was accelerated (1:30 p.m.). The shuttle system for shopping on Saturdays is very appreciable. What needs to be improved is the entire reception area upon arrival (no smiles, no consideration, no response to specific requests, etc.). The size of the sanitary facilities is too tight to accommodate the crews of around sixty boats and the reduced capacity to refuel for up to 2 and a half hours going in circles unless they come in the morning to reduce this waiting time. In summary, good overall performance, but too big a base.
    Bonjour, d’un point de vue global notre location s’est bien passée : L’état du bateau conforme aux attentes, la disponibilité et la compétences des équipes techniques aussi bien à la marina qu’à distance via Whats’app. Entre nos deux locations chez ce même loueur la mise à disposition du bateau a été accélérée (13h30). Le système de navettes pour faire les courses le samedi est très appréciable. Ce qui est à améliorer c’est toute la partie accueil lors de l’arrivée ( pas de sourires, voir de considération, pas de réponse à des demandes spécifiques…). Le dimensionnement des sanitaires trop juste pour accueillir les équipages d’une soixantaine de bateau et la capacité réduite pour faire le plein de carburant jusqu’à 2h et demie à tourner en rond sauf à venir dès le matin pour réduire ce temps d’attente. En résumé bonne prestation d’ensemble, mais trop grande base.
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  • Francesco
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    We struggled a bit to find office on the large marina compound the day we arrived ; the office was also very busy with other customers
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  • Ewgeni
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    Great riding area.
    Der Zustand des Katamarans entsprach nicht der Beschreibung.
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  • Phil
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    NSS - the most efficient experience in 20+ years of chartering
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  • Dietmar
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    La Maddalena archipelago with many beautiful bays and all of northern Sardinia.
    NSS Team war immer hilfsbereit, an Land und an Board. Sehr guter Service. Das Boot, eine Dufour 43 GL für 8 Personen ausreichent. Segeltechnisch, Groß und Selbstwendefock, Rick, Navi, Fallen und Schotten waren OK.
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  • Roman
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    Sehr gut, professionell, schnell, unkompliziert,
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  • Pascal
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    Très bien à tous les niveaux.
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  • Nazanine & Anjie
    Nazanine & Anjie
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    The boat was in good condition and 3 crew members were skilled, making it an enjoyable week. The chef and hostess spoke Italian only but they made good efforts to communicate. The Captain is the only seamen able to drive the tender etc. Two of the cabins had sewage smell frequently which the Captain managed to only temporarily fix. We were charged over $800 for items which were clearly not intended for our use. Captain informed us that he had spent €3000 on food purchase (excluding wine) prior to our arrival. When I queried a hand scribbled invoice for $800 with no contact details of supplier, he became agitated and slightly aggressive. He kept all the invoices and didn't attempt to go over the bills during the week. To avoid confrontation, I waited to ask for all original receipts only on day of our departure. It's obvious that 12 litres of olive oil, 180 litres of bottled water, 2 months worth of cleaning items etc etc,( the list is long) were not to be charged to us.
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  • Theo
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    The reservation via Samboat went well, however I think it would be more judicious if the payment of the skipper and the hostess was made from the platform. Indeed, firstly the skipper asked us for €250 more than what was originally agreed and secondly the ticket distributor blocked large withdrawals. In short, things we would like to do without when we go on vacation. Concerning the progress of the cruise, the rental company does not have space at the port of Marin, which does not facilitate the reception and departure which takes place from the gas station. Otherwise the boat was as presented, the hostess was very nice and cooked well. The skipper was in control in the heavy weather, we always felt safe. However, he is not very customer experience oriented, his belongings were lying around on the boat when we arrived, he insisted on sleeping in one of the cabins and shared his mood swings…
    La réservation via Samboat s’est bien déroulée cependant je pense qu’il serait plus judicieux que le paiement du skipper et de l’hôtesse se fasse depuis la plateforme. En effet, premièrement le skipper nous a réclamé 250€ de plus que ce qui était convenu à l’origine et deuxièmement le distributeur de billet bloquait les gros retraits. Bref, des choses dont on aimerait se passer lorsqu’on part en vacances. Concernant le déroulement de la croisière, le loueur ne dispose pas de place au port du Marin ce qui ne facilite pas l’accueil et la départ qui se fait depuis la station essence. Sinon le bateau était conforme à la présentation, l’hôtesse était très gentille et cuisinait bien. Le skipper était en maîtrise dans le gros temps, nous nous sommes toujours senti en sécurité. Cependant, il n’est pas très orienté expérience client, ses affaires traînait sur le bateau lorsque nous sommes arrivés, il a voulu avec insistance dormir dans une des cabines et partageait ses sautes d’humeurs…
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  • Nicole
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    NSS Holiday offers an excellent service. They are organized in an exemplary way, this fact facilitates the start of a cruise. for example the shuttle bus to the supermarket organized by NSS holiday. Transport service to and from the airport. Fast check in, etc. The boats are in good condition, the instruments (on-board computer, autopilot) were not working.
    NSS Holiday offer un ottimo servizio. Sono organizzati in modo esemplare, questo fatto facilita l`inizio di una corciera. per esempio il bus navetta al supermercato organizzato dalla NSS holiday. Servizio di trasporto per e dall`aeroporto. Il check in veloce, ecc. Le barche sono in buono stato, gli strumenti (computer di bordo, autopilota) non erano funzionanti.
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  • Frank
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    Absolute rip-off
    Absolute Abzocke
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  • Gilles
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    Perfect Very good organization at the Marina Boat in good condition well prepared Very beautiful destination with ideal weather
    Parfait Très bonne organisation à la Marina Bateau en bon état bien préparé Très belle destination avec une météo idéale
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  • Maximilian
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    Everything was great! Boat as described. Rental went completely smoothly. Our outboard engine was refunded when it was damaged. Beautiful harbor on the first and last day
    Alles super! Boot wie beschrieben. Vermietung verlief komplett reibungslos. Unsere outboard engine wurde bei Schaden zurückerstattet. Schöne Hafenanlage am ersten und letzten Tag
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  • Thierry
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    Very good base reception team and technicians at the top the Gagrux is a very well maintained oceanis 51.1 comfortable for a cruise for 6, delivered very clean in the conditions announced and the schedules respected Cala dei sardi is an extension of Portisco, location allowing departures either towards Madalena les Lavezzi and Corsica anchorage-rich playground
    Tres bonne base équipe d'accueil et de techniciens au top le Gagrux est un océanis 51,1 tres bien entretenu confortable pour une croisière à 6 , livré tres propre dans les conditions annoncées et les horaires respectés Cala dei sardi est une extension de Portisco , emplacement permettant des départs soit vers la Madalena les Lavezzi et la corse terrain de jeu riche en mouillage
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  • Davide
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    Tutto perfetto
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  • Antoine
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    Aggressive, intrusive staff entering the boat while the crew and skipper were installed there from the first day during the check-in which lasted 2 to 3 hours, and the same during the pre-check out, on Friday at 6:30 p.m. invented step by NSS to hustle customers the day before the boat was returned after we had filled up with fuel with rogue and dangerous pump attendants.
    Un personnel agressif, intrusif pénétrant sur le bateau alors que léquipage et le skipper y était installés dès le premier jour lors du checkin qui a duré 2 à 3 heures , et de même lors du pré Check out, le vendredi à 18:30 étape inventée par NSS pour bousculer les clients dès la veille de la restitution du bateau après quon ait fait le plein de fuel avec des pompistes voyous et dangereux .
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  • Dominique
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    Boat in very perfect condition (Lagoon 40 quite different from the 40 S2...). Equipment a little tight to be comfortable (8 knives, coffee maker too small, a chair was missing so that everyone could eat around the table,...). The marina is quite responsive (shuttle reservation, pontoon reservation), even if the response is sometimes slow. Insufficient showers and toilets at the marina.
    Bateau en très parfait état (Lagoon 40 assez différent du 40 S2...). Équipement un peu juste pour être confortable (8 couteaux, cafetière trop petite, il manquait une chaise afin de pouvoir manger tous autour de la table,...). La marina est assez réactive (réservation de navette, réservation de ponton), même si la réponse tarde parfois. Douches et toilettes de la marina en nombre insuffisant.
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  • Gabriel
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    Service impeccable de A à Z.
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  • Claudio
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    Ottima esperienza.
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  • Heriberto Tomas
    Heriberto Tomas
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    Excelente servicio, profesionalidad y calidez del personal. Embarcacion en optimas condiciones
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  • Jean
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    Sympathetic employees, NSS charter company disappointing. At the end of the season, ship has suffered defects that have been repaired. Left on-board computer defective, lost anchor 3 times during season and we experienced the same because poorly calibrated, no markings, tied to boat with too thin rope. Coughed 300 EUR to have the chain and anchor retrieved by a diver.
    Sympathieke medewerkers, NSS chartermaatschappij teleurstellend. Op einde van seizoen heeft schip mankementen opgelopen die maar opgelapt zijn. Linkse boordcomputer defect, anker tijdens seizoen 3 keer verloren en wij maakten hetzelfde mee omdat slecht gekalibreerd, geen markeringen, met te dunne touw aan boot verbonden. 300 EUR opgehoest om ketting en anker door duiker te laten boven halen.
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  • Hélène
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    Professional from A to Z
    Pro de A à Z
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  • Franck
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    Excellent welcome. Boat in new condition. NSS to recommend to your clients
    Accueil excellent. Bateau à l’état neuf. NSS à recommander à vos clients
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  • Jean-Pierre
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    Overall very good, no major worries, beautiful navigation, good wind, magnificent sites
    Globalement très bien, pas de soucis majeure, belle nav, bon vent, sites magnifiques
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  • Dominique
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    Decent boat but too small for 12 people Catastrophic reception at the Marina Totally incompetent cook Skipper ok, passionate and knowing his job and his boat
    Bateau correct mais trop petit pour 12 personnes Accueil catastrophique à la la Marina Cuisinière totalement incompétente Skipper ok, passionné et connaissant son travail et son bateau
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  • Olivier
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    Despite a last-minute boat change, the cruise went very well.
    Malgré un changement de bateau de dernière minute, la croisière s'est très bien passé.
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  • Jean
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    The ship and the equipments were OK. The facilities like kitchen stuff, towels and sheats were poor.
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