

Capitaine depuis 1999 En activité à mon compte sur la Côte d'Azur depuis 2001

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reviews (27)

  • Steven
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    Alain was very accommodating, and the boat and the trip was amazing!
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  • Stephan
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    We rented the boat in August for a day including skipper Alain. The positive: Communication with Alain was great, we always received an answer straight away. The boat itself offers enough space for a group of 10 people. The boat trip itself (Nice towards Cannes and back again, including 2 bathing bays and a visit to the Plage Keller restaurant) was disappointing. We missed the skipper's relaxed attitude. We also encountered the word "no" several times. There were no explanations about the coast / locations or anything else. In the end, there were 2 boat taxi rides to 2 bays and a somewhat overpriced restaurant. What we didn't like at all was that we had to pay our petrol bill of €900 (!) at the first stop. In previous boat trips with similar boats, the petrol portion was between €300 and €500, which would have been okay. €900 can't be right! In short: Unfortunately, we cannot make any recommendation here.
    Wir hatten das Boot im August für einen Tag inklusive Skipper Alain angemietet. Das Positive: Die Kommunikation mit Alain war Klasse, wir erhielten immer sofort Antwort. Das Boot selbst bietet für eine Gruppe mit 10 Personen ausreichend Platz. Der Bootstrip selbst (Nizza Richtung Cannes und wieder zurück, inkl. 2 x Badebuchten und ein Besuch im Restaurant Plage Keller) war hingegen enttäuschend. Uns hat hier die Lockerheit des Skippers gefehlt. Das Wörtchen "nein" ist uns auch desöfteren begegnet. Erklärungen zu Küste / Örtlichkeiten und Sonstigem gab es nicht. Final waren es 2 Boots-Taxifahrten zu 2 Buchten und einem etwas überteuertem Restaurant. Was uns überhaupt nicht gefallen hat, war dass wir am ersten Halt unsere Benzinrechnung in Höhe von 900 € (!) bezahlen durften. In vergangenen Bootstrips mit ähnlichen Booten lag der Benzinanteil zwischen 300 und 500 €, was auch okay gewesen wäre. 900 € kann nicht sein! Kurzum: Wir können hier leider keine Empfehlung aussprechen.
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  • Kristin
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    The condition of the boat was wonderful. Unfortunately, the outing was less than expected. We were picked up late at 11:15 and dropped off early around 6pm, though we had paid for a full 8 hours. Alain was very prompt with his communication prior to boarding but was a little off putting in demeanor on the boat. Not only was our time cut short, but we were not offered snacks or drinks. I would not book again.
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    Chère Kristin. C'est vous qui m'avez demandé de venir vous chercher à 11h15. Mes horaires sont 10h/18h. Je travaille tous les jours et ne peux pas me permettre d'accommoder les horaires à la demande de chacun. J'offre les boissons à bord, mais pas les collations. Tout est bien indiqué dans l'annonce. Cordialement Alain
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  • S
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    Experience with the skipper very complicated... Before booking, the owner assured us that we had the choice of the route to Monaco, that we could sail for 8 hours and cook on the yacht. After booking, the speech completely changed. In addition, the owner tells us that the flat rate for fuel is €680!!!! We find this amount excessive for the requested cruise (Nice - Monaco). When we arrived on site, we realize that it is another skipper who will provide the cruise. As a result, we outline a categorical refusal on all the conditions discussed with the owner. Results: we were only able to stop in three different spots. As for the skipper, we really felt like we were disturbing him. The only word that is part of his vocabulary is: no .... Price: 2/5 Skipper: 1/5 Experience: 3/5
    Expérience avec le skipper très compliquée... Avant la réservation, le propriétaire nous a assuré qu'on avait le choix du parcours jusqu'à Monaco, qu'on puisse naviguer pendant 8 heures et cuisiner dans le yacht. Après réservation, le discours a complètement changé. De plus, le propriétaire nous indique que le montant forfaitaire du carburant est de 680€ !!!! Nous trouvons ce montant excessif pour la croisière demandée (Nice - Monaco). Arrivés sur place, nous nous rendons compte que c'est un autre skipper qui assurera la croisière. En conséquence, nous esquissons un refus catégorique sur toutes les conditions vues avec le propriétaire. Résultats : nous avions pu nous arrêter que dans trois spots différents. Concernant le skipper, nous avons vraiment eu l'impression de le déranger. Le seul mot qui fait parti de son vocabulaire est : non .... Prix : 2/5 Skipper : 1/5 Expérience : 3/5
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  • Karine
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    Not great.... Nice skipper before confirmation of the service. But then, not accommodating at all, and very grumpy during the performance. In addition he gave me bad information, harbor master's fees of €110 when he had told me €65, wanted to change boats and send his son to us with another boat the day before which I refused, counted me 680 euros of fuel but used less because the conditions were not good so the boat was less far than expected...but still collected the 680€ planned in cash...and did not not proposed to reduce the amount. And finally, it took exactly 22 days to send me receipts for my cash payment.... So honestly, I don't recommend this skipper.
    Pas génial.... Skipper sympa avant la confirmation de la prestation. Mais ensuite, pas arrangeant du tout, et très grognon pendant la prestation. De plus il m'a donné de mauvaises infos, frais capitainerie à 110€ lors qu'il m'avait annoncé 65€, a voulu changer de bateau et nous envoyer son fils avec un autre bateau la veille ce que j'ai refusé, m'a compté 680euros de carburant mais en a utilisé moins car les conditions n'étaient pas bonnes donc le bateau a été moins loin que prévu...mais a quand même encaissé les 680€ prévus en espèces... et n'a pas proposé de réduire la somme. Et finalement, a mis exactement 22 jours à m'envoyer des reçus pour mes règlement espèces.... Donc honnêtement, je ne recommande pas ce skipper.
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  • Dave
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    Huge disappointment all the way around. We have chartered many, many boats all over the world and this may have been the one of the least pleasant experiences we have had. I will say the boat was in great shape, so that was a plus. However, Alain was rude to us, did not go along with our wishes and and genuinely did as little as possible to accommodate our charter. We were on time but the instructions he gave us for the meeting point were unclear. We asked two different workers at the quai where the "Port of Security" was and neither could give us the correct answer. After several extremely rude phone call from Alain we managed to find the boat. It made us about 15 minutes late. Rather than be a gentleman about the mix-up, Alain was rude and angry right at the start. Furthermore, when I told him what we wanted to do he lied to me and told me that I did not communicate our intentions to him prior to the trip. This was a lie. I found the email I sent him prior to embarking.
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    Sir. I receive dozens of comments every season, you are the only one who talks about me that way. When you ask employees of the Port of Saint Tropez where the Security Port is located, they cannot answer you favorably, since it does not exist. This is the Security Dock. The instructions were very clear. You finally came to the boat in a fury and took your anger out on me. Also, in your comment, you did not post the email you sent me before boarding. You talked about going to visit the Islands 5 hours away from the starting point. I told you that it was not possible to do that in one day, and you dare to call me a liar. Sir, you are an odious character, and luckily I don't have any customers like you!!!!!!
    Monsieur. Je reçois des dizaines de commentaires chaque saison, vous êtes le seul à parler de moi de cette façon. Lorsque vous demandez à des employés du Port de Saint Tropez où se trouve le Port de Sécurité, ils ne peuvent pas vous répondre favorablement, puisque ça n’existe pas. Il s’agit du Quai de Sécurité. Les instructions étaient très claires. Vous êtes finalement arrivés au bateau en furie et vous avez passé vos nerfs sur moi. De plus, dans votre commentaire, vous n’avez pas posté l’e-mail que vous m’aviez envoyé avant d’embarquer. Vous y parliez d’aller visiter des Îles à 5 heures de navigation du point de départ. Je vous ai répondu qu’il n’était pas possible de faire ça en une journée, et vous osez me traiter de menteur. Monsieur, vous êtes un odieux personnage, et par chance, je n’ai pas de clients comme vous !!!!!!
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  • Athena
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    My friends and I set up a charter with the amazing Alain on Tuesday. Despite cloudy, overcast skies, Alain took us on a journey along the coast of Cannes in his immaculate yacht. We sped along the coast and saw everything from Antibes to the Lérins Islands, where Alain made us an incredible reservation at La Guérite. Suffice it to say, my friends and I enjoyed the "ambiance" and by a stroke of great luck, the clouds completely parted for the second half of our journey. We were staying in Les Adrets de l'Estérel, and Alain was kind enough to bring us to a port closer so we didn't have to make the 40+ minute journey back up the mountain from Cannes. Overall, this was one of the best experiences of my life. I'll absolutely look to book with Alain again when I return next year—if he has us, of course!
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  • Wendy
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    We had a fantastic day out on the water travelling from Nice along the coast to Menton and back, stopping for a swim and lunch at La Mala. The boat was great for lounging and we were very comfortable with Leo as our captain. Communication for booking was very smooth and easy. Alain answered all my questions and made recommendations. We would 100% recommend Alain and Leo to anyone wanting to spend a great day out on the water. Thank you Leo and Alain for elevating our holiday to the next level.
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  • Shaila
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    Alain was great! He was very communicative and helped us with everything we needed. When we anchored, he left the boat giving us some privacy for a few hours which was very nice. Highly recommend!
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  • Harry
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    I had a beautiful day travelling from Monte Carlo to the Antibes. The response to my emails was very quick and everything went very easy and to plan. Boat was great and the experience was fantastic. Thanks Alain and Leo for making our day very special.
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  • Max
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    Superb sea trip in the company of Alain, sumptuous welcome and boat, we recommend it!
    Superbe sortie en mer en compagnie d’Alain, accueil et bateau somptueux, nous vous le recommandons !
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  • Daniel
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    Great outing with Alain, very professional and knows very good spots in Port Cros. can't wait to start again
    Super sortie avec Alain, très professionnel et connaissant de très bons spots à Port Cros. hâte de recommencer
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    Family and their friends, very pleasant. Can’t wait to start again too
    Famille et leurs amis, très agréables. Hâte de recommencer moi aussi
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  • Thomas
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    This experience was the best day of our vacation in Saint-Tropez. Alaine and the boat surpassed our expectations! The boat was beautiful, Alaine knew exactly where to take us and provided us with an unforgettable experience. Do not hesitate to book this day! At the end of the day we wanted to re-book another day but was not available. A great way to spend a day! Thank you Captain Alaine!
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  • Ramzi
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    Alain was great. If there is one thing that I would criticize, it is that the toilet was blocked. Bring your snacks and drinks. We should have listened to his advise and done the area instead of going all the way to St Tropez. But my wife and daughter insisted. The girls had their way and my son and I enjoyed the ride, the sun and the food. Anyway, thank you, Alain. Just fix that toilet.
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    Thank you Ramzi for your review. Concerning the toilet, I am sorry to say that but it is your wife who blocked the toilet, throwing a lot of toilet paper in, and didn’t flushed !!! And even, didn’t ask me how to flush the toilet !!! Cordially Alain
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  • Dov
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    Alain is the perfect Captain! Courteous, kind, nice, professional, friendly….. A dream day!
    Alain est le Capitaine parfait ! Courtois, gentil, sympa, professionnel, avenant….. Une journée de rêve !
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    Couple très sympathique Nous avons passé une très belle journée
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  • Elizabeth
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    We had a great day on the water of St. Tropez with Alain. We were challenged with wind and weather, but Alain made the most of it. He was professional and experienced with his boat. We went to swimming spots by the Port of St. Tropez and lunch in the canals of Port Grimaud. We highly recommend him!
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    Thank you Elizabeth. See you again Kind regards Alain
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  • Katie
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    Beautiful boat and Alain was a fantastic captain. He took us to all the best spots. Highly recommend a day out on the sea with Alain, truly an amazing experience!
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    Thank you Katie for your gentel comment See you again
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  • Solange
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    Amazing day with great swim spots and brilliant lunch stop at Port Cros
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  • Dorian
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    Great day, Alain is exceptional and incredibly kind. Very well maintained and clean boat! We will return
    Super journée , Alain est exceptionnel et et d’une gentillesse incroyable . Bateau très bien entretenu et propre ! Nous reviendrons
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  • Florian
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    Alain is a wonderful, highly knowledgeable and very professional Captain, who knows the area and nice spots by heart. You can trust and rely on him 100% and spent an excellent day on the water. Always again!!!
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  • Maria Ognianova
    Maria Ognianova
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    Alain responded very rush and we started in less than 3 hours from the query. Excellent exclusive boat. Very friendly captain. We were on board shortly and it would be great if one could book the boat also for half a day, which yesterday was not possible, since minimum rent time was 1 day. Still it was an amazing experience. We enjoyed our time with Alain on board.
    Alain responded very rush and we started in less than 3 hours from the query. Excellent exclusive boat. Very friendly captain. We were on board shortly and it would be great if one could book the boat also for half a day, which was yesterday not possible, since minimum rent time was 1 day. Still it was an amazing experience. We enjoyed our time with Alain on board.
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  • Stefan
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    Excellent! Alain organized everything for us - the restaurant the transfer - Top service - thank you Alain
    Excellent! Alain a tout organisé pour nous - le restaurant le transfert - Top service - merci Alain
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  • Andy
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    we had a fantastic day with Alain. The boat was very clean and comfortable, and he was a great captain who took us to some fantastic swimming spots! thank you very much and see you next year!
    nous avons passé une journée fantastique avec Alain. Le bateau était très propre et confortable, et c'était un excellent capitaine qui nous a emmenés dans des lieux de baignade fantastiques! merci beaucoup et à l'année prochaine !
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  • Vidmantas
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    Absolutely the best emotions got
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  • Kevin
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    Perfect from start to finish alain and very friendly. Thanks
    Parfait du début à la fin alain et très aimable. Merci
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  • Albert
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    Very good very nice a very nice day thanks to Alain. Albert of Paris
    Très bien très gentil une très belle journée merci à Alain. Albert de paris
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  • Stephane
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    Perfectly good skipper very attentive with customers and really nice we had a wonderful day !! Recommended ++++
    Parfaitement bien skipper très attentionné avec les clients et vraiment gentil nous avons passés une journée merveilleuse !! A conseiller ++++
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