

reviews (5)

  • Heike
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    The handover of the boat was very good and friendly. We were monitored all day, however, and when we were a little out of the sailing zone, a siren suddenly went off on the boat and we received a call. We weren't allowed to dock to get a coffee either; the same thing started all over again. We already had a boat in August, but from a different provider.
    Die Übergabe des Bootes war sehr gut und freundlich. Wir wurden aber den ganzen Tag überwacht und wenn wir etwas aus der Fahrzone heraus waren ging plötzlich auf den Boot eine Sirene an und wir bekamen einen Anruf. Man durfte auch nicht anlegen um sich einen Kaffee zu holen, sofort ging das gleiche Spiel von vorne los. Wir hatten im August schon ein Boot, aber von einem anderen Anbieter.
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  • Benoît Hans
    Benoît Hans
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    Very responsive and friendly, however the hulls of the boats would have to be cleaned. Good service, good value for money
    Trés réactif et sympathique, il faudrait toutefois nettoyer les coques des bateaux. Bon service, bon rapport qualité/prix
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  • Vincenzo
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    Very polite and helpful person, excellent boats, helpful and efficient staff also in explanations of the navigation program and with the UP application available
    Persona molto educata e disponibile le mbarcazioni ottime personale disponibile ed efficente anche nelle spiegazioni sul programma di navigazione e con l applicazione up a disposizione
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  • Marco
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    it was a beautiful day. After the necessary initial indications on the use of the boat, on where to go and where not due to an environmental prohibition, we began our excursion. the boat was OK, spacious too. In the middle of the day we even returned to the base because Angelo offered us a bigger boat at no extra cost, since it had become free.
    é stata una bella giornata. Dopo le necessarie indicazioni iniziali sull'uso della barca, su dove andare e dove no per divieto ambientale, abbiamo cominciato la nostra escursione. la barca era OK, anche spaziosa. A metà giornata siamo anche tornati alla base perché Angelo ci ha proposto una barca più grande senza sovrapprezzo, visto che si era liberata.
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  • Cosimo
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    Fantastic and welcoming staff. Experience to be repeated!!!
    Personale fantastico e (Contact information hidden) perienza da ripetere!!!
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