Super owner


reviews (26)

  • Anthony
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    Superbe journée. Staff très pro, accueil et bateau au top. Je recommande. Remarque : L'ancre et sa chaîne me semble un peu légère, de ce fait le bateau dérape. Le principal risque étant de finir par bloquer l'ancre dans la roche et donc la perdre (ce qui semble se produire souvent). Autre remarque, arriver tôt pour profiter de la zone de stationnement voiture gratuite sur le côté gauche du port.
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  • Angela
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    Très bien !
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  • Lea
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    Everything was great! The boat was in very good condition. The staff on site were very helpful and gave good instructions. The coast and especially the small bays can be easily viewed from the boat. We highly recommend it!
    Es war alles super! Das Boot war in einem sehr guten Zustand. Die Mitarbeiter*innen vor Ort waren sehr hilfsbereit und haben gute Instruktionen gegeben. Die Küste und besonders die kleinen Buchten lassen sich hervorragend von dem Boot besichtigen. Wir empfehlen es sehr!
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  • Franz
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    Very good, very nice boat, nice staff, fair price. Overall great experience.
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  • Dirk
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    Perfect, caring instructions! Great experience! Highly recommended!
    Perfekte, liebevolle Einweisung! Tolle Erfahrung! Absolut empfehlenswert!
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  • Milán
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    Very good experience. Nice and helpful staff. Warmly recommend them. Thank you Guiseppe, Marco, Alessio and the lady at the welcome table. You are the best!
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  • Katrin
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    Very nice, we had a great trip
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  • Julien
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    Very good, boat in very good condition.
    Très bien, bateau en très bon état.
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  • Mauro
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    Very kind professionals, everything was perfect!!!! top service. Then we were lucky enough to see dolphins, an unexpected sight
    Gentilissimi professionali tutto perfetto !!!!servizio top . Poi abbiamo avuto la fortuna di vedere i delfini uno spettacolo inaspettato
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  • Stéphane
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    Good boat and friendly staff.
    Bon bateau et personnel sympathique.
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  • Maciej
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    Reliability combined with responsibility. Constant telephone contact, the possibility of renting a boat without a sailing certificate, provided that the distance not to exceed 300 meters from the coast. Salute.
    Rzetelność połączona z odpowiedzialnością. Stały kontakt telefoniczny, możliwość wynajęcia łodzi bez certyfikatu żeglarskiego pod warunkiem nieprzekraczalnej odległości 300 metrów od wybrzeża.Salut.
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  • Lynda
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    Super skipper very nice He took us to the most beautiful places for snorkeling
    Super skipper tres gentil Il nous a conduit dans les plus beaux endroits pour faire de la plongée apnée
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  • Marco
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    Everything perfect, very cordial and brand new boat, in fact tomorrow we repeat!
    Tutto perfetto, cordialissimi e barca nuova di zecca, infatti domani ripetiamo!
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  • Reza
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    Very professional and helpful. With my friends we found ourselves at ease and we were satisfied on all requests
    Molto professionali e disponibili. Con i miei amici ci siamo trovati a nostro agio e siamo stati accontentati su tutte le richieste
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  • Michael
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    Everything great! Hassle free and friendly
    Alles super! Problemlos und freundlich
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  • Peter
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    It's all ok!
    Alles gut!
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  • Christèle
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    Booking at the top! Boat booked at 10 p.m. for the next day! Everything went well.. attentive punctual impeccable service thank you
    Réservation au top ! Bateau réservé à 22 h pour le lendemain ! Tout s’est bien passé.. à l’écoute ponctuel service irréprochable merci
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  • Michita
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    We had a very nice day at Castellammare del Golfo. Renting the boat was easy and very relaxed. We paid 120 euros for the day (9:00-18:00) and a total of 50 euros for petrol. In any case, it was worth it.
    Wir hatten einen sehr schönen Tag am Castellammare del Golfo. Die Ausleihe des Bootes war problemlos und sehr entspannt. Wir haben 120 Euro für den Tag bezahlt (9:00-18:00) und insgesamt 50 Euro für Benzin. Es hat sich aufjedenfall gelohnt.
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  • Steeve
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    Having made a reservation on the site easily, the rest was more complicated. Meeting time (9:30 a.m.) confirmed at 9 p.m. Resa of 1 boat with a hull (Because with 2 children we did not want a zodiac) and the surprise The reserved boat is given to a couple. It says no more boat, the zodiac or nothing even though we had a reservation with the boat number etc and everything was paid for. A crook !!!
    Ayant fait une réserva sur le site facilement, la suite fut plus compliquée. L’h de rdv (9h30)confirmée à 21h Resa d’1 bateau avec une coque (Car avec 2 enfants nous ne voulions pas d’un zodiac) et la surprise Le bateau réservé est donné A un couple. Il dit plus de bateau, le zodiac ou rien alors que nous avions une réservation avec le numéro du bateau etc et que tout était payé. Un ESCROC !!!
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    the facts did not go according to the customer's version, but the misunderstanding that occurred was amply clarified, we were interested in finding a solution to the problem
    i fatti non sono andati secondo la versione del cliente, ma è stato ampiamente chiarito il disguido avvenuto, ci siamo interessati pre trovare una soluzione al problema
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  • Adrien
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    Very good experience the possibility of sailing quietly his boat to be able to visit the wild creeks and far from the tourists! Very nice team, everything is straight, a good day in perspective I recommend this experience!
    Très bonne expérience la possibilité de naviguer tranquille son bateau pour pouvoir aller visiter les criques sauvages et loin des touristes! Équipe très sympa, tout est reglo, une bonne journée en perspective je vous recommande cette expérience!
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  • Michele
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    Fantastic service! Good guys and very well organized. Well done!
    Fantastico servizio! Bravissmi i ragazzi e molto ben organizzati. Complimenti!
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  • Alessandro
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    Professionalism and availability.
    Professionalità e disponibilità.
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  • Xavier
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    Very pleasant trip along the coast - Boat in very good condition - Just a pity that the rental companies do not speak a language other than Italian to explain the rudimentary instructions for using the boat - Impeccable samboat app
    Très agréable balade le long de la côte - Bateau en très bon état - Juste dommage que les loueurs ne parlent pas une autre langue que l’italien pour expliquer les consignes rudimentaires d’utilisation du bateau - Appli samboat impeccable
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  • Barni
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    Perfect service good price 5 stairs
    Perfect service good price 5 Stairs
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  • Carla
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    Available and kind
    Disponibili e gentili
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  • Sigurd
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    It was a great boat day. Guiseppe took good care of us and familiarized us with the boat. All in all a perfect day with a super boat.
    Es war ein toller Boot Tag. Guiseppe hat uns gut betreut und mit dem Boot vertraut gemacht. Alles in allem ein perfekter Tag mit einem super Boot.
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